Persamaan Tr C828


      2N5551 NPN Amplifier Transistor
      2N5551 NPN Amplifier Transistor Pinout
  1. Persamaan Tr C828 Dengan
  2. Persamaan Tr C828 Full
  3. Persamaan Tr C828 Dari
  4. Pengganti Transistor C828
  5. Persamaan Transistor C828
  6. Persamaan Tr C828 Dan

Persamaan transistor c945. Beberapa persamaan transistor c945 dengan kemasan yang sama yang dapat digunakan adalah tipe 2SC1815, 2SC2458, 2SC3198, 2SC3199, C1815, KSC1815, KSC945C, KTC3198 or KTC3199, C828, C829, dan lain-lain. SBC547NPN Silicon TransistorDescriptions PIN Connection General purpose application C Switching application BFeatures High voltage: VCEO=45V E Complementary pair with SBC557 TO-92 Ordering Information Type NO. Marking Package Code SBC547 SBC547 TO-92 Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25C) Characteristic Symbol Ratings UnitCollector-Base volt.

Pin Configuration:

Persamaan transistor C1815. Dengan melihat karakteristik singkat seperti penjelasan di atas, cukup mudah untuk menentukan persamaan transistor C1815. Beberapa transistor yang dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti transistor ini adalah 2N2222, C945, 2N3904, 2SC3198, dan C828. Selain beberapa persamaan transistor diatas, transistor komplementary atau. Persamaan Transistor C828 Pdf thebookee net. PERSAMAAN IC VERTIKAL Ndory servis. DIMANA CARI BUKU PERSAMAAN TRANSISTOR DAN IC DI INTERNET. DATA PERSAMAAN IC VERTIKAL TV DAN MONETOR service electronic. IC 7400 SISTEM DIGITAL – iMe iLearning Media. Data Persamaan Transistor Regulator Berbagi Pengalaman.

Pin Number

Pin Name




Current Drains out through emitter, normally connected to ground



Controls the biasing of transistor, Used to turn ON or OFF the transistor



Current flows in through collector, normally connected to load


  • Amplifier NPN Transistor
  • High DC Current Gain (hFE), typically 80 when IC=10mA
  • Continuous Collector current (IC) is 600mA
  • Collector-Emitter voltage (VCE) is 160 V
  • Collector-Base voltage (VCB) is 180V
  • Emitter Base Voltage (VBE) is 6V
  • Transition Frequency is 100MHz
  • Available in To-92 Package

Note: Complete Technical Details can be found at the 2N5551 datasheet given at the end of this page.

Alternative NPN Transistors:

BC549, BC636, BC639, BC547, 2N2369, 2N3055, 2N3904, 2N3906, 2SC5200

2N5551 Equivalent Transistors:

NTE194, 2N5833, 2N5088, 2N3055, 2N5401 (PNP)

Same Family Transistors:


Where to use 2N5551:

The 2N5551 is an NPN amplifier Transistor with an amplification factor (hfe) of 80 when the collector current is 10mA. It also has decent switching characteristics (Transition frequency is 100MHz) hence can amplify low-level signals.

Due to this feature, the transistor is commonly used for amplification of audio or other low power signals. So if you are looking for an NPN transistor for you amplifier circuit then this transistor might be the right choice.

How to use 2N5551:

As told earlier the 2N5551 NPN transistor is widely used for amplification. A very simple bare minimum circuit for a transistor to work as an amplifier is shown below. The simulation graph that shows the amplified output sine wave can also be found.

Here the input sine wave of magnitude 8mV (yellow colour) is amplified to 50mV (Pink colour) as shown in the graph. In the above circuit the resistors R3 and R4 form a potential divider which decides the Emitter -Base voltage (VBE). The Resistor R1 is the load resistor and the resistor R2 is the emitter resistor. Changing the value of RL will affect the amplification of the output wave.


A transistor is normally a current amplifier, meaning the current flowing though the base will be amplified in the current flowing through the collector. This amplification depends on the amplification factor (hfe) which is 80 for 2N5551. This means that the collector current will be amplified by 80 times than that of the base current.

Ic = βIb

Another current that we have bring into consideration is the emitter current (IE), but due to transistor action we assume that Emitter current is almost equal to the value of Collector current, however the difference between the both can be found with the value of α. Normally the value of collector current will e given by

IE = IC + IB

The output is obtained across the collector which is the Collector-Emitter voltage (VCE). This output voltage depends on the Input voltage (Vcc, here 12V) without the voltage drop across the loads resistor (R1). Therefore the output voltage Vout can be given as

Vout = VCE = (Vcc – IcRc)


  • Low power amplifiers
  • Current amplifiers
  • Small signal boosters
  • Audio or other signal amplifiers
  • Darlington pair

2D model of the component:

If you are designing a PCD or Perf board with this component then the following picture from the 2N5551 Datasheet will be useful to know its package type and dimensions.

Persamaan tr c828 full

Persamaan Tr C828 Dengan

2N5551 Datasheet

C828 or 2SC828 is a TO-92 package BJT transistor; the article below provides information about the pinout, equivalent, datasheet, features and other details about this transistor.


Features / Technical Specifications

  • Package Type: TO-92
  • Transistor Type: NPN
  • Max Collector Current(IC): 100mA
  • Max Collector-Emitter Voltage (VCE): 25V
  • Max Collector-Base Voltage (VCB): 30V
  • Max Emitter-Base Voltage (VEBO): 7V
  • Max Collector Dissipation (Pc): 400 miliWatt
  • Max Transition Frequency (fT): 220 MHz
  • Minimum & Maximum DC Current Gain (hFE): 130 – 260 (Q), 180-360 (R), 260-520 (S)
  • Max Storage & Operating temperature Should Be: -55 to +150 Centigrade
Persamaan tr c828 dari

PNP Complementary

Persamaan Tr C828 Full

PNP Complementary transistor of 2SC828 is 2SA564.

Replacement and Equivalent

2N3904, BC547, BC550, BC549 & BC548 (These are the nearest possible replacement or equivalent of 2SC828 transistor. The pin configuration of these transistors may different from C828, therefore check pinout of any transistor you are willing to replace with C828.

Persamaan Tr C828 Dari

C828 Transistor Explained / Description:

C828 is a BJT transistor that can be used for any general purpose requirements. The transistor can be as a switch and also as an amplifier. When using as a switch it can handle load of upto 100mA. 100mA is quite fair amount of current when driving other components in an electronic circuit. On the other hand if used as an amplifier it can deliver 400mW and the maximum DC current gain value is 520. It is available in different DC gain values which can be identified by looking at the last alphabet after the transistor number. If the last alphabet is “Q” the tranisistor gain will be 130 to 260, if “R” the gain will be 180 to 360 and if “S” then the gain will be 260 to 520, therefore you can choose it according to your requirements.

Where We Can Use It & How to Use

Pengganti Transistor C828

As mentioned above C828 is a general purpose transistor due to which you can use it in any application which falls under the transistor’s maximum ratings. For example it can be used to drive LEDs, ICs, relays, high power transistors, microcontrollers etc. It can also be used at the output of low current devices such as ICs whos output current is low. Moreover it can also be used in the circuits of audio preamplifiers and amplifiers.


Persamaan Tr C828

Switching loads under 100mA

Audio Preamplification

Darlington Pairs

Low current ICs output

Audio Amplification

Various type of signal amplification

How to Safely Long Run in a Circuit

To get stable performance from this transistor for long period do not drive load more than 100mA and 25V DC. Always use a suitable base resistor and do not store and use the transistor in temperature below -55 Celsius and above 150 Celsius.

Persamaan Transistor C828


To Download the datasheet just copy and paste the below link in your browser.

Persamaan Tr C828 Dan