Din 50602 Pdf


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  2. Din 50602 Standard Pdf

DIN 50602 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. DIN 50602, 1985 Edition, September 1985 - Metallographic examination; microscopic examination of special steels using standard diagrams to assess the content of non-metallic inclusions There is no abstract currently available for this document.

DIN Metallographic examination; microscopic examination of special steels using standard diagrams to assess the content of non-metallic inclusions. Buy DIN () Metallographic examination; microscopic examination of special steels using standard diagrams to assess the content of non-metallic. DIN Standard. The Non-Metallic Inclusion rating method as per DIN standards. K4 method is unique to the German standrd.

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An index proportional to dun content of inclursions from a specified limit slze upwards can be calculated separately for the oxide and sulfide ,components or ,as a total value.

With this nethcrd, the alea of the polished section of the specimc,n to be evaluatod strall be at least nrmz.

The specimen can be observed either through ths eyepiece or on a proiection on a ground glass screen. Inclusions of equal area but differing in length x width or frequency, aro shown on the salne line next to the basic column for each type of inclusion.

The dellvery conditions rnay specify a ditferent number of specinnens. This figura can be used especially for simplo reading of interpolated values of inclusion length and Diagram plate No.

On the basis of experience the rules given in table 5 for guidance have been drawn up, which should as far as possible be used as a basis when agreeing on the method of evaluation. For calculation of the total indices the procoduro is as follows see also examples glven in tables? The factors obtained on the basis of the Zn-a goometlic series for tho other rating numbers are to be rounded so that, in the calculatlon, it is only necessaryr to double or halve the numbers.

Din 50602 Pdf Fillable

The values obtained in the two cases should if possible be integers and for this reason rhould be rounded, if necessarY.

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Which of the two methods is to be used, shall be specified in the rplevant deliverv condition. The relevant numbers indicate the amount by which the rating number assigned to the total length, is to be reduced because of the greater degree of fragmentation see subclause 7,2.

Thls lowest rating number depends mainly on tho manufacturing process particularly the steelmaking processand on the intended application of the materisl concerned and the dimensions of the product. The associatod numbers show the amount bv which the rating number is to be increased, with increasing frequency.

Non-metallic inclusions observed in such cases are to be rated on the basis of the inclusion length given below each diagram, Unless otherwise agreed, even larger inclusions of the same or of greater thickness tharn those shown are all to be classifiod under rating number 9.

This result is then to be converted to a section area of mm2, using the following formula: The length, and in column 6 also the width, are marked on the dlagrams in plate No. Cnnvortod to a polished section area of lnrrn2, Rounded fronr 1 ,Gg to 1,7. In the cass of lo,w-carbon steels and stainless steelg with no transformation, it is necessary to take into account the special properties of such steels see subclause 5.

DIN 50602 ENGL

These values serves as indlces for the “degree of purity” of the guantity of matorial submittod for testing under the conditions existing. This figure can be used especially foisimple regding of interpolated values of inclusion longth and width.

The reproduction is intendecl tct show that loosely grorJped stt’ings are to bo assignecl lower rating numbors corresponding to the arer of oxides contained. Microscopic examination can be carried out using a metallurgical microscope and auto.

For obssrvation of very 56002 inclusions, it is advisable to use a magniflcation of x This standard specifies a method to be applied using a metallurgical microscope and a set of standard diagrams arranged in a systematic sequence, which enables the micrograph to be described on the basis of the type and size of inclusion length and width or diameter and the frequency standard diagram plate I whorr comparing them to the basic series shown irr ptate No.

Where only separate, predetermined measurement fields or parts of measurement field within the polished section are to be cxamined which is only advisable in exceBtlonal casesthe size and distributlon of these fiefds or parts of measurement fields shall comply with the conditions for a statistical test, tlre derived columns of diagram plate No.

Th and therefore is to be measu V 7. The two total indices or the ovirall total index reprss nt the degree of purity of the test unit examined. This is represented by columns 0, 2 and 5, each on the left of a basic column, Similar considerations apply for the evaluation of thicker inclusions with twice the area.

Since such inclusions usr. Both mncroscopic and microscopic methods are used for this purpose. Relationship between true width, true length and sizc rating number for the inclusions referrod to in tables 2 and 3 congidered necessrtry to reprosent individual sulfidic inclusions. These numbers are then genorally in ranges which, for examplo in the 5602 of mothod Krl’, srrt not recorded, but still ari’e to bo teken lntcl accoltnt for column diin diagram plate No.

Converted to a polished section area ol mm2 and rounde to the nearest whole nulnbers.

The width of the inclusion is to be assessed in accordance with diagram plate No. When using diagram plates Nos. The associated numbers show the amount by which the rating numbor dn to be increased, with increasing frequency.

It can therefore only give 05602 approxirnatc indicatiott of tho oliginal plate. With this procedure, the larger inclusions are more accurately ovaluated, Table 6 gives the factors to be userJ in the calculations.

I if possible, 80mm in diameter; fields with a diameter between 75 and 80 mm are however permitted. Diagram plates Nor;,2 and 3, which supplement diagranl plate No.

Din 50602 Standard Pdf

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