Dr Mario Online Rx Wad Wii



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Dr Mario Online Rx Wad WiiOnlineDr Mario Online Rx Wad Wii

MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service It is recommended to have firmware 3.2 or higher, most games if not all will not work with firmware 3.1 and under. Please Make Sure you have enough Blocks of free space on your wii, the number blocks per game is on the picture for each game. The WAD file-format is a file-format that contains information for the Wii, such as System Menus, IOS's, and Channels. Unfortunately, WAD files are often used to distribute pirated channels (both Virtual Console and WiiWare), due to the fact that they are also used by Nintendo and therefore easy to rip from the Wii and, for some WAD files.

  • Dr. Mario/Dr. Mario/Dr. Mario.blend
  • Dr. Mario/Dr. Mario/Dr. Mario.mtl
  • Dr. Mario/Dr. Mario/Dr. Mario.obj
  • Dr. Mario/Dr. Mario/Dr. Mario Image.jpg
  • Dr. Mario/Dr. Mario/Textures/Dr. Mario Coat Texture.png
  • Dr. Mario/Dr. Mario/Textures/Dr. Mario Eye Texture.png
  • Dr. Mario/Dr. Mario/Textures/Dr. Mario Face Texture.png
  • Dr. Mario/Dr. Mario/Textures/Dr. Mario Hair Texture.png
  • Dr. Mario/Dr. Mario/Textures/Dr. Mario Hand + Feet Texture.png
  • Dr. Mario/Dr. Mario/Textures/Dr. Mario Head Piece Texture.png
  • Dr. Mario/Dr. Mario/Textures/Dr. Mario Stethescope Texture.png


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