'Phase Plant by Kilohearts is phenomenal. Having this much flexibility with synthesis has never felt so intuitive.'
The wavetable editor in Kilohearts Phase Plant has an incredible filter tool built-in, when coupled with the ability to automate the parameters it allows you to create a huge variety of sounds. You can stack these up by applying them and repeating the process, or couple them with the host of built-in effects.
'This is a really nice synthesizer. I highly recommend this to anyone who wants to learn synthesis. '
Kilohearts Phase Plant Sale
Phase Plant is a Sound Designer's Dream Come True. Whether you just installed your first DAW, you’re looking for inspiration to follow up that award-winning single you produced last year, or you’ve been tasked with creating the sound of a hot broadsword slashing through ice for an online game, Kilohearts have what you need. Phase Plant is the crowning achievement of the snapin eco-system that Kilohearts have been developing since the release of Multipass in 2015. Introducing, a truly limitless hybrid synthesizer building on a modular system of generators, modulators, and effects from the acclaimed Kilohearts snapin range of plugins. Endless possibilities for creative sound design. Phase Plant combines the power of.
'Phase Plant is ...a synth that I am really getting into quite a lot because it does a lot of audio processing junk. And it is awesome.'
'Phase Plant is incredibly easy to use and sounds huge. Everything is at your fingertips on one page which makes a big difference in your creative process.'
'Absolutely there's Kilohearts stuff! In fact, the ability to send a side chain to Ring Mod is integral to the sound of so many tracks. I send my sine sub to hats/noise/reverbs/etc to get it to go 'furr' along with the bass. Can't do that with anything else I've found that gives me that much control.'
Kilohearts Phase Plant Presets
'I am a huge fan of the Kilohearts ecosystem! Their tools and instruments find their way into every one of my projects. I use the standalone effects for really quick jobs, and also to build more complex rack-effects within Snap Heap and Multipass. Which leads me to Phase Plant. A go-to instrument to dial up sounds for quick tasks, but I’ll also spend hours building crazy patches and even load up my crazy Snap Heap and Multipass patches within Phase Plant as part of the fun. This versatility is what makes Kilohearts some of the most powerful and useful creative tools I have!'