Snmp Walk Tool


  • How to use SNMP Walk Tool: Log in to the Main Poller OR Additional poller that is supposed to poll the device you are troubleshooting. Open C: Program Files (x86) SolarWinds Orion and run the file SNMPWalk.exe. Enter IP Address, Community String, SNMP Port and select SNMP version. If using SNMPv3 enter the SNMPv3 authentication details.
  • Nov 20, 2020 Open the SNMPWalk cmd line tool through the cmd prompt. To do the SNMPWalk run below: SNMPWalk.exe -r: -c: -v:SNMP version.
  • Free SNMP MIB Walker Tool. SNMP MIB Walker Tool is a simple, easy to use GUI or CMD-line tool that allows you to walk an entire (or part) of any SNMP Agent's MIB using any version of the SNMP Protocol and a variety of command parameters. Output MIBWALKs to files or simply walk the MIB to the console window. Use the GUI version to easily change.

SnmpSet (Command-line Tool) SnmpSet changes values of SNMP variables on any network equpment. SnmpWalk (Command-line Tool) SnmpWalk scans a device to list all variables that are available for reading. SnmpTrapGen (Command-line Tool) SnmpTrapGen sends SNMP trap (notification) to a SNMP trap collector.



Version: 1.02
Size: 178KB (zip)


SNMP is a unified protocol of network monitoring and network device management. All active network devices support SNMP. Besides that, SNMP is supported by major operational systems and a large number of network applications.

SnmpWalk allows you to detect a set of variables that are available for reading on an individual device. You can obtain a full list or just part. By analyzing the results of a network device scan obtained with SnmpWalk, you can develop a list of supported MIBs and, in this way, obtain full descriptions of variables and possible values. Besides that, MIB documents contain information about SNMP variables that are available only for writing. After analyzing information retrieved with SnmpWalk from hardware or software SNMP sources, you can use SnmpSet and SnmpGet tools to change and obtain values.

The value of SnmpWalk is not limited to only the SNMP analysis of supported features. This tool can efficiently get SNMP tables and read whole sections of variables. This mainly refers to tables that are often used for presenting statistical and status information.


Snmp Walk Tool Download

SnmpWalk is a command-line tool, which makes possible its use in scripts. This tool supports modern IPv6 in addition to the standard IPv4. Moreover, SnmpWalk allows you to use a simple version of SNMPv1/SNMPv2c and also supports a safe version of SNMPv3.


  • Supports SNMP v1/v2c and SNMPv3
  • Supports IPv4 and IPv6
  • Full or partial SNMP variables tree
  • Exports to CSV file
  • Command line interface (CLI)
  • Any type of SNMP variables
  • Various Auth. & Privacy protocols
  • Windows XP-10 compatible
  • Windows Server 2003-2019 compatible




Free Snmp Walk Tool

SnmpWalk is free for non-commercial use. More detailed license agreement can be found in ReadMe.txt delivered with the product.